Atlanta, GA.
March 19 - 23 2021

I spent five days in Atlanta for The Washington Post to absorb the feelings and thoughts of the community impacted by the tragic and senseless shooting of eight people last week, six of them being Asian women.

Their words, tears, silence and acts of resistance guided me as I made each photo. There was a lot of learning, understanding and grieving together.

First few images are from the first few days I was in Atlanta. When I arrived to Gold Spa on the Friday, it was raining a bit, empty with a TV station set up, one photographer wrapping up and I saw two mourners come by. What was bizarre was seeing how the clubs and stores around so active and full of people.

This was our visual poem to the community in Atlanta and across the country.

 Outside Aromatherapy Spa, a sign reads, “Rest peacefully in heaven.”

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